While sitting in the hospital with my husband I managed to finish my Fiona bag, which was my birthday present to myself. I followed the pattern, but I changed a few things. I didn't make the cell phone pocket as long as my cell phone is a really small one. Also, I lined the inside of the bag as well. Here you can see a photo of the outside and the inside. I didn't feel like dumping my purse, so pardon a peek at the contents inside.

Didya see the cute sheep pin above the flap?
Fortunately this weekend has been a lot more sane than the last two weekends. I have had a nice time working on my Oregon Cardigan. The colors are magnificent!!

I only have about another 3 inches and the body is finished.
Well, that's about it to bring my blog up to date. Of course, Alan still is in the basket waiting patiently. I'm having too much fun on the Oregon to stop!