Phew. I'm so glad 2014 is over. I think I said that about 2013 too. Both 2013 and 2014 have brought me an incredible amount of challenge. So much that I'm a little leery about being excited about 2015 and what it may bring.
There are so many deeply personal things that have happened but I'm still here. I don't know if that means I'm a survivor or just too stupid to figure another way out of where I am. I'm trying to get my house ready to be sold. I've been in the process of downsizing my yarn stash. I've sold a lot of it but I still have more to go. 2015 will bring a simpler life for me. It's easy to get caught up in all the social media that's out there... Facebook, texting, FaceTime, Ravelry, e-mail.... connect - connect - connect. I gave it a lot of thought but I got rid of Ravelry. It was too much of a time suck and it made it difficult for me to get rid of a lot of my yarn. I would look at stuff on Ravelry and look at yarn in a bin and think, "Oh! That yarn is perfect for this project. I guess I have to keep the yarn!" Well, now that there is no Ravelry, there will be no more conflict in viewing what yarn I really want to keep. After I move I may reconsider reconnecting with Ravelry with a new fresh account and a much smaller yarn and fiber stash.
I've decided to utilize my blog a lot more in 2015. It will allow me to keep connected to any of my knitting friends that still read this. If nothing else, it will be a cathartic place for me to be.
Happy 2015 to anyone who is still out there in the Blogosphere! Hoping for a happy and peaceful year for everyone. Including me!