Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sleeve Increases

The instructions say to knit two stitches, increase, knit the round to the last two stitches and then increase and knit the last two stitches.  I've chosen to knit these 4 stitches (2 stitches at beginning of round and 2 stitches at end of round) in the background color. It makes a nice "seam" going up the sleeve.   It makes it easier to see where the increase row is too.  I am constantly losing track of where I am and it's nice to be able to find my way again.
-- Sent from my Palm Prē


My Little Room In The Corner said...

how cool! love your tips.

miyamojo said...

I almost had a panic attack. My sleeve has 2 stitch seam. :)

Lorraine said...

Jewel- Looks so nice and neat. I love a neat looking seam.

Brigitte said...

Ooo, I'm goig to have to remember that tip, I love a neat seam too. Wow, you're quick!