Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Other Side

Well we're here.  Can't say much more than that.  This move was one giant mess.  It didn't matter how much time I spent planning and choreographing everything.  It was a huge clusterfuck.  But, it's over mostly.  Still have to go back to the old place on Saturday and vacuum and there are a few more things in the garage.

Moving the cats to the new house the morning of the move was comical.  We had them in carriers and Kyle sat by them.  It was a meowing trio.  It's funny because I couldn't see the cats because I was driving, but I knew each cat by their different meows, even though they were meowing in distress.

Here are some photos to finish out this post.  It's all I can do right now.  The WIP box is still MIA but it's somewhere here in this pile o'boxes in what is supposed to be the dining room.   Do you see the cat?  Find the cat.

Now do you see it?  Meems' kitty butt.   And because it's often Monkey See, Monkey Do around here.... You can just barely see Meemers' little kitty ears at the top.  Tippi is here passed out. 

And so I don't get accused of leaving anyone out, here is Pinhead Poppy sleeping in the sun after finding a nice box of cables to cuddle up with. 

Here he is in a sun-induced coma.

That's about it for now.  Maybe there will be knitting progress.  Some day.  But that some day is not today.


miyamojo said...

Hey, I see yarn in those plastic tubs!

I found the cat too! Love the kitty photos. heehee :)

life ldc said...

Mantra - repeat after me......it will all get put away in due course, no need to fret or worry.........

Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! :)

However, I think I like the way it looked BEFORE better ...

(but that's just me ...) lol

Jewel said...

Thanks Carl. Hey - anyone need a really great (but smarty pants) real estate agent???

Lorraine said...

Jewel- Cats are so helpful at times like these...NOT!