Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kisses For Everyone

There is much holiday-making here at chez Purls.   We got the tree decorated and this is one of my favorite ornaments:

I've made two batches of my mother-in-law's shortbread but they're in an air tight container hidden away from sneaky hands.   Here are two batches of Peanut Butter Blossoms.

Go ahead.  Take one.  You know you want one. 

And now for another reason why I started blogging again:  Cat Cuteness.  Here is Meemers with trying to take a nap with her Serta Sheep #5.   Sheepie #5 is in her bed in the living room.  Sheepie #2 is in her bed next to my side of the bed.  

Time to get ready for bed and tomorrow off to work for a lot of merry making with my coworkers.  I hope you are all having a great holiday.   Next time, photos of projects I've recently finished. 


My Little Room In The Corner said...

Meems looks so content. She and her sheepers. May I have a cookie please? A couple of those yummy looking ones with the chocolate. My oven doesn't work well enought to evenly bake cookies or breads or cakes, so I live vicariously through friends like you and Anne with her cakes.

Lorraine said...

Jewel- Meemers is so cute. I think she and Gandalf would make a lovely couple- if she likes younger men.

The cookies look yummy.

miyamojo said...

Thanks for the cookies! I took 5.

Meemers is so cute. I've always wanted a black cat.