Saturday, May 08, 2004

My wonderful day

My daughter is nearly 23 years old. She is my oldest child and only daughter. This evening she was going to a formal dance and I was privileged to help her with her hair, dress, and makeup. I clipped roses from the garden and made some boutonnieres for her date and a few other friends she was meeting.

I realized that other than her wedding, I probably will never have this opportunity again. I savored every minute of it. I remembered all the prom dresses I made and the nights up late fretting it wouldn't be done in time. The nights spent up awake worrying and hoping that she was safe and sound.

Next month she graduates from UC Santa Cruz and she is a grown woman now. As her mother, I am so proud to have her as my daughter. Of course, I am proud to have my two sons as well.

I love being a Mom and I couldn't ask for 3 better kids! Happy Mother's Day to everyone.

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