This weekend was the annual Osugi Birthday Bash. Jennifer and Sydney's parents, Kim and Richard, throw this incredible birthday party for their girls. They are 2 years apart and Jennifer turned 7 and Sydney 5. As usual, there was a ton of most excellent food. If you leave this party hungry it's your own fault! We won't mention the birthday cake. This cake is ohmigosh incredible. We loved it so much that we had the same bakery make our wedding cake.
We arrived at the party today and like every year I quickly scan the masses of kids for Sydney and Jennifer. Unfortunately we only get to see them once a year so it's a challenge to find them as they have grown! Each year they have the coolest toys for the kids to play with and this year it was bubbles. Oodles and oodles of little toys that produce millions o'bubbles. Of course, I have to remind myself that I'm the adult and I just watch the kids. But I get to have fun by taking pictures of them.
Tonight I'm not going to put up a picture of one of the cats doing a cutsie belly-up shot or of a sweater in progress. I have something that is much more adorable.... Sydney (left) and Jennifer today at their party.
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